
Screenshot of 3omns in action

3omns is an old-school arcade-style tile-based bomb-dropping deathmatch game. It's still in alpha.

3omns source
Ubuntu Xenial & Trusty: 3omns PPA
openSUSE: 3omns RPMs (maintained by nemysis)
FreeBSD: 3omns port (also maintained by nemysis)
Others: 0.2 alpha source tarball


3omns 0.2 Alpha

I figured it'd been a while, so I cut a new release! Mostly I just wanted to have something new to upload to the PPA for Xenial. The biggest change is that network code should be reliable even across the internet, but I haven't even had time to thoroughly test that ideal.

3omns 0.1 Alpha

The first alpha of 3omns has been unleashed unto the world! I'll summarize this alpha release thusly: there are more bugs than features. For more details, see the README file, handily rendered in HTML on github.

Copyright 2014-2016 Charles Lindsay